With the magick of Christmas we are finally able to sneak on to Her keyboard – the thing that distracts Her from us so much of the time – and add our own thoughts to this thing She calls a ‘blog’.
She tells us that Jackie in Wales has a dedicated blog all for her cats and that they write on it daily. We wonder why She does not do this for us. But we so enjoy hearing the tales from Wales and all the mystery and magic that swirl around the House of Ginger in that realm.
She tells us that Jackie in Wales has a dedicated blog all for her cats and that they write on it daily. We wonder why She does not do this for us. But we so enjoy hearing the tales from Wales and all the mystery and magic that swirl around the House of Ginger in that realm.

Today our SoCal House is full of golden sunshine and tissue paper and magic as well. The sunbeams illume them like a stained glass window. People are always giving Her rocks, and today She has a rock with a bee inscribed on it.

And now the sunbeams call and we must answer in our meditative nap. And yield the laptop back to Her, for She has work to do.
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