Sunday, September 6, 2009

White Rabbits and Pocket Watches

We girls assembled for a Mad Tea Party at one of our number’s gracious home. Hats, tea, cats, and great cackles ensued. Oh, and lots and lots of food: finger sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches, crudités, scones, jam, biscuits, cupcakes, lemonade, and teas galore… oh my did we eat! And laugh. And yes, cackle.

Women of a certain age cackle. It’s the result of all of our life experiences. With the perspective of middle age we are able to laugh about so much that was once the source of angst and self-doubt. Men. Careers. Fashion in the eighties (Which, by the way, the LA Times announced today is coming back! Did I discard my shoulder pads too soon?).

I left our gathering feeling so refreshed! As though I’d had a psychic bath in clear cool water: inspired, invigorated, and ready to face my week ahead.

It’s so easy to get caught in a tangle of negative vibrations. Difficulties of economy, social dynamics, work drama, family crises… if we aren’t careful we can find ourselves just crawling between one negative encounter to another, and then crashing home to sleep and start the whole cycle the next day.

It’s so important to not only face those negative situations with grace and positivity, but to schedule fun breaks in life. Meet with friends. Do something that is carefree and happy and uplifting. Whatever suits you. It can be singing in church or the karaoke bar, dancing on the beach, having a Mad Tea Party. Share your experiences and have a laugh with others. It’s good to know you aren’t alone. And that you can laugh about things. Do it. Be a little outrageous.

This way, you raise your vibration. And the raised vibration will attract more of the same to you. And while you will still encounter negative situations and people; it will be easier to deal with them and maintain your own good positive vibration.

To me that’s really what karma is all about. The vibration you put out is what comes back to you. So put out a joyful vibration. It will bring joy back to you threefold or more.

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